Design News
Simple Hover CSS Menu
Horizontal CSS menu links with a description that appears beneath the link onMouseover.
Useful custom functions for WordPress
Matt Varone shares a few more custom Wordpress functions, such as one to get the value of a custom field.
41 websites to promote your design articles and resources
A massive list of "web design news" sites that you can use to promote your latest project or site.
DOM Element Traversal API
John Resig talks about the new Element Traversal API in DOM Level2, now supported in Firefox 3.1.
A lightweight, JavaScript based benchmarking tool to test the speed of your, well, JavaScript.
Why logo design does not cost $5.00
A comparison between "cheap" and "professional" logo design, and why you should opt for the later.
30+ Creative Hi-Res Wallpapers Only for Designers
In this post we present 30 creative desktop wallpapers related to art, photoshop, wallpapers-illustrations and abstract design. They are definitely worth a look.
The Best Cheat Sheets for Web Developers
A nice list of cheat sheets for everything from jQuery, Mootools, Prototype, to PHP and MySQL.